About Us

Thank you for visiting Shafer Shepherds.
I’m Owner and Breeder Wanda Shafer along with my husband Ric Shafer we raise and train some of the finest German Shepherds in America. I’m pretty certain you read those very words on every German Shepherd site you've visited, as you should.
As a responsible breeder we are dedicated to breeding standards set by the American Kennel Club and the German Shepherd Club of America to insure Healthy, Intelligent, Courageous German Shepherds. We work to ensure the integrity of the breed. If that’s not the goal of other breeders, shame on them.
The German Shepherd dog has been my lifelong dream, but as a working career mother I did not have the time or funds to invest in dogs. I enjoyed family life and my career as a Safety Health and Environmental Professional. I envied the dog breeders of the Gorgeous Black and Red German Show line German Shepherds, following them on internet and shows.
As my working career was changing directions, I had of course shared my dream of these dogs with my husband. He was happy for me to stay home and not travel to different job sites. And he blessed me with the most beautiful pair of German Shepherd Black and Reds with the best World Champion blood lines he could find for my birthday. I was over the moon. And it was love at first site. I will never forget that moment I first saw them, I was stunned, surprised and unsure which of the three there before me I loved the most. And that’s how it all began.
The German Shepherd is the most noble, loyal and obedient dog, having a wonderful playful puppy-like personality that they display at every stage of their life. They are wonderful companions that instill a feeling of security in the home. In the yard, or wherever you go, a well-trained German shepherd is a loyal companion that will quite literally die for you. One or two of them in your pack is the best deterrent for thieves and those who might do you or your children harm. They are the world’s best loved home security system.

WE Have made it through phase one of the move and build. what a job!
We broke ground and continued to build our dream Kennels and Training facility. Its been hard work and planning, planning and more changes and planning to create the perfect place for our dogs,
We are now on 5 acres in beautiful Dewey Oklahoma and we have still more to add on , next phase will be the front building with training , working areas and the play yard and swimming area.